2013年7月21日 星期日

Cover of Today

My version:


Thomas Rückert Trio - Meera (2013)

01 - Meera
02 - 1957
03 - Time Remembers One Time Once
04 - Reben
05 - My Shining Hour
06 - Care
07 - Time Remembered
08 - Prelude N°3 Op
09 - I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face

Thomas Rückert (piano)
Reza Askari (bass)
Fabian Arends (drum)

"Don't play what you know": this guiding principle by Lee Konitz  is manifested clearly and comprehensively in the playing of the Thomas Rückert Trio – Thomas Rückert (p), Reza Askari (b) and Fabian Arends (dr).

Individual notes peel off as if from a void, as times whirring and barely perceptible, then solidly anchored, but never overbearing.

Accords sparingly woven in support the intimate, fragile melodies that flow from Thomas Rückert's fingers and take listeners into evocative landscapes of sound.

 Reza Askari's wood-warm double bass accompanies, joins into the melody in masterly way, corresponds with it and prances around it.

The whole is based on the sensitive rhythmic background provided by Fabian Arends. In the same way as his trio companions, he knows how to create enthusiasm with his refined playing.

The brushes rustle on the snare drum in all possible variations, the cymbals sparkle and radiate finesse with their daring  rhythms, and the bass drum is also permitted to set an accent here and there. The way that he brings that into the playing characterized by strong communication and interaction is really impressive.

Ballad-like chamber music jazz with strong European characteristics – romantic, full of melancholy and sensuality.

The recordings range from a trio improvisation to individual compositions of the band members and all the way to pieces by Denny Zeitlin, Bill Evans and Skrjabin. What they make of known standards such as Harold Arlen's classic" "My Shining Hour" and Frederick Loewe's "I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face" is unusual and exciting.

This is a trio with clearly noticeable individual characteristics, which goes its way and does justice to its lofty goals. The sound was recorded very realistically by the sound master  Christian Heck in Cologne in January 2013. It is a feast for lovers of sounds, expansive and full of depth.


Double Moonから
Joe Haider Musicからの作品も話題に上る

[商品番号 : DMCHR-71122] [Import]


今回はドイツでコンスタントに作品をリリースするDouble Moon Recordsから。今までの作品と同様、アブストラクトで幻想的なインプロヴィゼーションを基 調としつつ、スタンダードではビル・エヴァンス流儀な繊細なハーモニーと、美しく粒立ちのよいソロを聴かせてくれます。特にビル・エヴァンス作曲のTime Remembered はもちろんのこと、シンバル・ワーク美しいドラミングとソロが響き合うハロルド・アーレンのM-5“My Shining Hour”ではスウィンギーなピアノが絶品。


